Who Gets Your Social Security If You Die Tomorrow?

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Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on The Penny Hoarder.

Most of us never see the first 6.2% of our paychecks. That money goes straight to Social Security, with the primary goal of giving you a monthly retirement benefit someday.

But what if you suddenly died tomorrow? What happens to all that money you’ve paid into the system?

First, let’s address a common misconception: Social Security doesn’t set money aside in an account for you. Your payroll taxes fund the Social Security trust. Once you’re eligible, you receive benefits from the trust, which is offically called the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund. But the Social Security Administration doesn’t have a pot of money with your name on it.

When you die, your Social Security payments will stop. If you die before starting benefits, your estate won’t get the money you’ve paid in.

But sometimes, someone else can receive Social Security benefits based on your record. That’s the case with spousal benefits, ex-spouse benefits and survivor benefits. Another person may be able to receive a Social Security benefit based on your benefit — but they aren’t taking “your” Social Security.

If you have a spouse, ex-spouse or dependents, they may be able to use your record to qualify for survivor benefits when you die. Here’s who gets what.

If You’ve Never Been Married and Don’t Have Dependents

Concerned senior man thinking about taxes and retirement
Syda Productions / Shutterstock.com

After your death, no one will receive survivor benefits based on your record if you never married and you don’t have children or other dependents.

The money you’ve paid in is simply part of the Social Security trust. It will be used to pay Social Security’s other obligations.

If You’re Married

Happy senior couple
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Your spouse will be eligible for survivor benefits when they turn 60 (or 50 if they’re disabled) if you were married for at least nine months and they haven’t remarried.

However, they’ll only receive the survivor benefit if it’s higher than their own Social Security benefit. In other words, Social Security will give them the bigger of the two benefits, but not both.

Their benefit depends on:

  • Whether you had started benefits at the time of your death: If you died before starting benefits, your spouse’s benefit would be based on your primary insurance amount. That’s the benefit you would have qualified for at full retirement age. But if you die after starting your Social Security, your spouse’s benefit is based on your benefit. For example, if you claimed Social Security at 62, but your full retirement age was 67, your monthly checks would be one-third lower. Your spouse’s benefit would be based on that lower amount.
  • How long your spouse waits: If your spouse claims survivor benefits before their full retirement age, they’ll receive between 71.5% and 99% of your benefit — your primary insurance amount if you hadn’t started yet, or your actual benefit if you had.

If you leave behind a spouse who’s caring for your child who’s 16 or younger or disabled, they’ll receive 75% of your benefit, regardless of their age.

If You’re Divorced

Upset senior
Subhamay Acharyya / Shutterstock.com

Ex-spouses are generally eligible for the same survivor benefits as current spouses, provided you were married to them at least 10 years and have been divorced for two years — and your ex hasn’t remarried.

If you had remarried and your ex-spouse claims survivor benefits based on your record, it won’t affect your current spouse’s survivor benefit.

If You Have Minor Children

Happy middle class family at home
Iakov Filimonov / Shutterstock.com

Children can qualify for 75% of your benefit, provided that they aren’t married, until age 18 (or 19, if they’re still in high school). That’s on top of the 75% your current or ex-spouse may receive for caring for your child.

However, Social Security has a maximum family benefit of 150% to 180% of your primary insurance amount.

So if you die tomorrow and you’re survived by your spouse and four children under 16, they’d still only get 150% to 180% of your benefit.

If You Have Adult Children

A senior father watches TV on a laptop computer with his son while eating popcorn on a sofa at home
Halfpoint / Shutterstock.com

Your children who are over 18 (or 19 if they’re still in high school) won’t qualify for survivor benefits. The exception: If they’re at least 22, unmarried and have a disability that started before they were 18, they can receive 75% of your benefit.

If Your Parents Are Your Dependents

A senior father has a serious conversation with his adult son
Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com

If a parent is your dependent, meaning you provide at least half of their support, they could qualify for survivor benefits. They’ll only be eligible if you’re 62 or older when you die. They can get up to 75% of your benefit amount — but only if the survivor benefit is larger than their own benefit.

Are Survivor Benefits Enough?

Woman overwhelmed by her expenses
Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley / Shutterstock.com

Survivor benefits can certainly help your loved ones after your death, but they aren’t enough to protect your family, especially if you have young children. A Value Penguin survey found that survivor benefits would leave a widowed spouse caring for two children with an average monthly shortfall of $2,695.

If you have loved ones who depend on you, life insurance is a must. One common guideline is to buy enough life insurance to cover 10 times your annual income. However, this may not be enough if you have children whose college education you want to pay for, or if you and your spouse have significant debt.

It’s also essential to have a will and keep it up to date. If you have a 401(k) plan or individual retirement account (IRA), make sure you review your listed beneficiaries at least once a year. The individual(s) listed will receive the money, regardless of your will’s instructions.

The money you’ve paid into Social Security may help your loved ones if you die tomorrow. But be realistic. If you have dependents, survivor benefits alone probably won’t be enough.

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