My Cash App Was Hacked What Do I Do?

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Finding out your Cash App account got hacked can bring a sinking feeling to your stomach. After all, many of us use Cash App to manage our finances or at least transfer money. 

The good (and bad) news is that you’re not alone. Many people have had their Cash App accounts hacked, often through targeted schemes that prey upon trusting people like you and me. 

Of the Cash App victims who have their money stolen from them, only about 3.7% ever get their money back. That’s a staggering amount considering how many people use Cash App daily. 

If you’ve had your Cash App account hacked, there are actions you can take to contain the damage. However, immediate action often brings better results if you know what to do. 

Our guide includes several steps you can take after your Cash App account has been hacked and how you can prevent it in the future. We’ll also discuss common Cash App schemes so you know what to look out for. 

Are you ready to find out what you should do if your Cash App account was hacked? Let’s get started!

Cash App Accounts are Hackable

Like any other online account, your Cash App account is hackable. Most scammers tend to target you via email or text but may even call you and pretend to be from Cash App customer service. 

The goal of any Cash App scam is to (a) gain access to your Cash App account and personal information and (b) drain your account for all it’s worth. It’s Scamming 101 on how to get free money on Cash App.

The terrible fact is that many people have fallen victim to these schemes and have lost tens of thousands of dollars to thieves on Cash App. What starts as an innocent request can turn into a swindle that leaves you penniless faster than you can say “fraud.” 

Often, the conversation begins with someone offering to pay you an exorbitant amount through Cash App for your services. Once you discuss payment and agree to a sum, things start to get a bit fishy. 

This person may then say they’re having difficulties sending you money and request the phone number associated with your Cash App account. They’ll then come back asking for your account password, which is hook, line, and sinker for these scam artists. 

The important thing to remember is that if someone has your full name, email address, cashtag, phone number, and password, they can most definitely hack your account. Without your password or phone number, hackers face more challenges.  

What To Do if Your Cash App Account was Hacked

If your Cash App account has been hacked, take this moment as a teaching lesson. You can also advocate for yourself by taking swift action. 

1. Immediately change your password

If you can still log into your Cash App account, change your password to something strong and unrelated to your former password. Write it down so that you can log back into the account later if you need to change the password to something you’ll remember. 

You can also block your phone number from accessing the account to prevent the scammer from going any further. If you tend to use the same password across platforms, consider changing them as well to avoid your email also getting hacked. 

2. Set up two-factor authentication

Though it’s hardly foolproof, two-factor authentication can at least slow thieves down. Add this extra layer of security so that when you log into your Cash App account, you’ll also need a verification code that’s sent to your phone or email address. 

3. Review your activity

After you’ve set up roadblocks for logging into your Cash App account, it’s time to look at your balance. It might be difficult to see, but you’ll need to know which transactions are legitimate and which are caused by the scammer. 

If you have any scam transactions, immediately report them to Cash App’s customer service. Keep track of the amounts and any pertinent details. 

4. Reach out to Cash App customer service

If the fraudulent Cash App transactions have not been posted yet, you might be able to retract them if you contact customer service. They may be able to help you resolve the issue and secure your account to avoid any further fraudulent charges.

5. Continue to monitor your account

It can seem like you’re in the clear after responding to someone hacking your Cash App account but keep a watchful eye. Regularly check your account details to ensure there are no further unauthorized charges. 

You should also take precautions in sharing your personal information online. Remember, if you receive any notifications from Cash App that seem suspect, you can always contact them via customer service to speak with a representative directly. 

13 Common Cash App Scams to Look Out For

Websites that offer a Cash App referral code list can act as a security threat. Scammers often rely on tried-and-true methods for scamming people out of their hard-earned money, including the following common scams.  

1. COVID Scams

Many people suffered economic hardships as a result of COVID. Ruthless scammers prey upon those looking for legitimate relief programs by providing aid after the user pays a fee. 

The truth is there are no relief programs and the scammer is only interested in taking your money. Keep on the lookout for these types of schemes if you have a Cash App account. 

2. Fake Security Alerts

Hearing about a data breach is more common than it used to be. If you receive a message regarding a security breach of your Cash App account, pause before you start following any prompts or respond to any phone calls. 

The best way to ensure the security breach is real is to call Cash App through their designated line. Don’t call a phone number back or provide any information until you know the person you’re talking to works for Cash App. 

If you end up complying with these fake demands for your login information, you’ll risk losing your funds as well as your account. Your personal bank account information may also be in danger. 

3. Romantic Scam

We all get lonely sometimes and having a friend there by our side can help ease the bad times. When that friend demands money over Cash App, however, it might be time to reconsider what true friendship means. 

Cash App romantic schemes are some of the worst. Again, the idea is to obtain login information or enough information to access your Cash App account and drain your funds. 

Many people find victims to romance and swindle through social media apps. Once the relationship hits a certain level, the true motive behind the connection comes out. 

4. Hard-To-Find Items For Sale

Online marketplaces make it easy to purchase goods from across the world. However, how an object appears on the internet and what it looks like in person are often two very different things. 

Scammers target hard-to-find items specifically because they come along once or twice in a blue moon. Pretty soon, buyers are searching “how to add money to a Cash App card” to pay for their lucky find. 

The truth is they’re not so lucky and the funds they send to pay for the item have now lined the pockets of a scammer. And since there’s no buyer protection, you’re out probably quite a bit of money. 

5. Social Security Number Requests

Asking for your Social Security number outright might seem like a scam to most younger folks, but for those with Social Security benefits, it means much more. These benefits often help the wiser generation make ends meet and taking that away can be devastating. 

6. Spam Emails and Websites

Texts, emails, and phone calls make it easy for scammers to target you, especially when you willingly respond and cooperate. When you don’t verify that you’re actually navigating to Cash App’s website, you could be opening yourself up to a whole lot of trouble. 

These scams trick you into handing over your login credentials so scammers can take your Cash App funds in a hurry. Unless you’ve got an eye for detail, you might miss the telltale signs of a spam email. 

7. Crypto and Bitcoin Scams

Cryptocurrency has risen in popularity within the last few years and continues to be a hot topic of debate. However, scam artists use cryptocurrency to get you to “cash in” on a “lucrative deal” so you can make tons of money. 

In the end, you’re just contributing to the stolen money these culprits amass as they dupe people into investing in fake opportunities. The funds you sent to join a profitable venture are just another score for the fraudster. 

8. Fake Winners of Cash App Giveaways 

Participating in Cash App’s #CashAppFridays and #SuperCashAppFriday giveaways can legitimately win you extra cash if you’re chosen as a winner. However, scammers often use the $cashtag you comment on as a weapon against you to steal your money. 

Scammers will notify you that you’ve “won” the contest, but all you have to do is verify a few account details. Really, you’re providing these goons the means to swindle you out of your money. 

9. “Accidental” Payments

Getting money from someone accidentally might feel like a positive windfall but really, you’re probably receiving stolen money from someone who’s fallen victim to criminal activity. Thieves often steal credit cards and “accidentally” send money through Cash App to draw unsuspecting victims into their scheme. 

In these scenarios, you pay the money back with your funds but the person who had their credit card stolen reports it and gets their money refunded. You’re then out your reimbursement and the con artist walks away with twice the loot. 

10. Cash App Gift Card Requests

Scam artists often contact victims to tell them they’ve won free money and that they have to send a gift card to receive the funds. Though this sounds implausible, many have fallen for it. 

In fact, scammers may even go so far as to impersonate an FBI or IRS agent to put some heat on you. If you don’t act quickly, your life and liberty could be in danger. 

11. Fake Cash App Payments

If you have something for sale online and you get a notification that you’ve sold said item, you may receive a fake receipt from Cash App saying you received the money. If this is the case, the first thing you should do is check your account history. 

Once you’ve determined the money isn’t there, it’s often best to report the user immediately. Disregard the email but ensure your Cash App account and other personal accounts are secure. 

12. Fake Cash App Debit Cards

When fraudsters can create a Cash App account in someone’s name, that person will often receive a notice in the mail to scan a QR code and finish signing up for an account. In fact, these websites are fakes and their only purpose is to collect your personal and login information. 

13. Fraudulent Cash App Customer Support Websites

Sophisticated scam artists know that we often navigate to a website to learn if the person contacting us is really from the company they say they’re from. They may create fake customer support websites to lure victims in by looking official.

How to Attempt to Recover Your Money

Recovering the money stolen from your Cash App account can be a long shot, but here’s how to go about it: 

  • Cancel the payment if it hasn’t already gone through 
  • Request a refund from the recipient
  • Report the transaction as a scam
  • Dispute the transaction
  • Report and block the scammer’s profile

You can also file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP or visiting their website.


What should I do if my Cash App account was hacked? 

If your Cash App account has been hacked, it’s best to notify Cash App customer service as soon as you can. You should also change your password and any other similar account passwords. 

Can I recover any money I lost when my Cash App account was hacked?

You may be able to recover money lost through someone hacking your Cash App account. However, the chances of recovering that money are slim at best. 

How can I spot a potential Cash App scam?

There are many ways to spot a potential Cash App scam. Many will ask for money in various ways, so if the topic of money comes up and there’s a time limit tied to it, you can be sure it’s at least worth investigating before you impulsively react. 

Cash App Account Hack: Lesson Learned

When someone hacks your account, no matter what type of account it is, it can feel quite personal. However, there are actions you can take to not only deal with the situation at hand but also prevent any further hacking in the future. 

We hope this article has helped you to see that even if someone hacks your Cash App account, you don’t have to panic. Take the proper actions and stay proactive and you can avoid the whole fiasco. 

The skills you learn in dealing with account hacks can also prove useful in other areas. Keep your personal and financial information private and be careful who you share information with. 

At the end of the day, we’ve all been scammed in some way or another. That doesn’t mean you have to let it happen to you again since you now know what you can do to best handle the situation. 

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