7 Holiday Gifts That Almost Always Disappoint

Sebastian Gauert / Shutterstock.com The holidays seem to approach like a giant snowball rolling downhill, gathering speed quickly until they are almost upon us. So it’s easy to make holiday purchases on impulse, snatching up a gift or decorative item without really thinking through it first. Some impulse buys can be huge hits, of course. … Read more

Is Tax Software Sharing Your Income With Facebook?

If you have used a popular software program to complete your tax return, it is possible details of your income have been shared with Facebook, according to a new report. The Markup reports that H&R Block, TaxAct and TaxSlayer are among the tax-filing companies that have sent personal and financial information to Facebook, including: Names … Read more

5 Things You Should Never Do in America, According to Reddit

Jaromir Chalabala / Shutterstock.com A user on the social media site Reddit recently started a wide-ranging conversation with the question, “In the United States, what should you never do?” The discussion thread received more than 12,000 comments, including advice helpful for U.S. visitors, and even more users rated it as an interesting conversation. Following are … Read more

10 Markets Where Home Prices Are Plummeting

Roschetzky Photography / Shutterstock.com More than half of the nation’s biggest housing markets have seen home prices fall from their peak — with some cities off by up to 10%. Of the top 400 markets, 219 have recorded declines, according to a Fortune analysis of the latest Zillow Home Value Index data. In most places, … Read more

Residents and Families Love These 6 Senior Living Facilities

Customer satisfaction scores for independent senior living providers have fallen for a second consecutive year, according to J.D. Power’s 2022 U.S. Senior Living Satisfaction Study. A combination of a labor shortage, deferred maintenance and building improvement, and rising prices took their toll on resident and family satisfaction. In a summary of the study, Andrea Stokes, … Read more