Capital One Shopping Price Protection Review for 2023

Have you ever made a purchase just to find out the price dropped just days later? This probably even happens more than you realize.

Do you ever wish you could find out if stores owe you a refund for things you already purchased without doing a thing?

Well, you can with price drop apps like Capital One Shopping Price Portection. Interested? Read on…

Capital One Shopping review

My new secret weapon is called Capital One Shopping — a free tool that can help you get money back for your online purchases when possible.

The free app will scan your emails for any purchase receipts from dozens of online retailers and instantly give you a refund if there is a price drop.

You don’t even have to know about the price drop in order to get your refund.

Capital One Shopping has identified over $29 million in potential savings for their users to date! It’s as easy as signing up and getting free money for nothing.

Sound too good to be true?  Well, it’s not.

capital one shopping

Capital One Shopping compensates us when you sign up for Capital One Shopping using the links provided.

What is Capital One Shopping?

Capital One Shopping is a free service that helps you get money back after you buy. It does all the heavy lifting and takes action to help you get money back. 

You don’t need a credit card to use Capital One Shopping. As long as you made the purchase online from one of the merchants Capital One Shopping monitors, regardless of how you paid, Capital One Shopping will keep an eye on it.

Here’s where it saves you money:

1. Price drops

Sick of price drops costing you precious green after you shop? After you make a purchase, Capital One Shopping monitors the retailer’s site for lower prices. When a price does drop, Capital One Shopping will file a refund request on your behalf or help you contact the retailer to get back the difference.

2. Late deliveries

Did your “next-day” delivery not show up the next day? Capital One Shopping knows when your packages should be delivered. If Capital One Shopping detects a late arrival, it’ll send you an alert. From there, you can contact the retailer to get back those extra pennies you shelled out for that not-so-fast delivery. 

paribus late delivery

3. Returns

Tired of getting stuck with a dud purchase because you got busy and the return date passed? Capital One Shopping tracks when you bought things and checks them against the retailer’s return policy. As the deadline approaches, Capital One Shopping sends you an alert along with return instructions—saving you a chunk of change and some space in your closet.

My experience with Capital One Shopping

This wouldn’t be a great Capital One Shopping review without some personal user experience. So this happened. I bought something online from Target.  The price of the Keurig cups I purchased dropped in price after the fact.

I effortlessly got refunded without doing a thing.

I didn’t have to do anything, other than originally sign up for Capital One Shopping.

It’s as simple as that.

This free app will scan your emails for any purchase receipts from dozens of online retailers. You don’t even have to know about the price drop in order to get your refund. Remember, it’s 100% free!

How does Capital One Shopping work?

Capital One Shopping will help you find out if major stores owe you money. Once you sign up for Capital One Shopping, they do all the work for you and remember it’s 100% free.

Capital One Shopping Price Protection can help you receive reimbursement when possible and it just takes less than 5 minutes to sign up.

paribus review

It’s pretty simple. Capital One Shopping uses your inbox to watch your purchases and deliveries from the merchants it monitors. It then looks for opportunities to save you money. Capital One Shopping has already found people more than $29 million in potential savings—not too shabby.

Here’s how the process works:  

1. Capital One Shopping Connects With Your Inbox

Once you allow Capital One Shopping to scan your emails, it’ll start helping you save. Don’t worry—Capital One Shopping looks only at emails related to purchases. And it doesn’t store your email password. 

Capital One Shopping currently works with Gmail, Yahoo and Microsoft email addresses. If you’re using something different, just forward your purchase confirmations to a Capital One Shopping-linked inbox, and Capital One Shopping will take care of the rest.

2. Capital One Shopping Monitors Your Purchases

Capital One Shopping goes to work monitoring all the stuff you buy online, tracking purchase dates, prices and return deadlines. Capital One Shopping monitors purchases from 25+ major retailers. Capital One Shopping is constantly working to add more of your favorites. 

3. Capital One Shopping Saves You Money

Once Capital One Shopping spots a savings opportunity, it takes action to get your money back—reminding you to file refund requests or contact retailers directly, or sending you alerts about price drops, late deliveries and returns. 

Refunds are usually received three to seven days after the retailer confirms the price adjustment. And in most cases, refunds are repaid to your original form of payment. 

Capital One Shopping pros and cons


  • Usability: Capital One Shopping works with 25+ major retailers
  • Interface: The app interface is simple and easy to use
  • Easy to signup: Takes about 5 minutes to sign up and can potentially save you hundreds.


  • Sign up options: If you’re wary of giving a company access to your email, Capital One Shopping may not be the app for you.
  • Availability: Not available for Android users. You can keep track of your Capital One Shopping account and savings on the browser site or use the iOS app.

If you want to give this rebate app a try, you can signup for here or find it in the iTunes App Store (not available for Android users yet).

What are some similar services to Capital One Shopping Price Protection?

Interested in finding easy ways to save other than Capital One Shopping? Then you should know about these money-saving apps:


cushion app

Cushion App is a service that automatically haggles with banks & credit card companies, on your behalf, to get back the money you’ve been charged in overdraft fees, wire transfer fees, foreign transaction fees, minimum balance fees, and more. New users typically get their first refund within hours of signing up.

Cushion’s service is waiving all kinds of penalties: ATM fees, overdraft fees, monthly service charges, wire fees, late fees, interest charges, and many more.

While Capital One Shopping will get you your money back on your shopping, Cushion will get it back for your banking fees. You can see our full Cushion review here if you wanted to learn more.

Capital One Shopping Browser Extension

capital one shopping

Capital One Shopping also has a browser extension that helps you find better prices, automatically applies coupon codes at checkout, and lets you know when prices drop on products you’ve viewed or purchased.

Just click and it will apply working codes at checkout on thousands of retailers. Codes are updated in real-time based on which codes save other users the most. Capital One Shopping also keeps track of products you’ve viewed or purchased and lets you know when prices drop so you never miss a great deal.

Want to try it out? Click here to learn more from Capital One Shopping (it’s 100% free).

Capital One Shopping compensates us when you sign up for Capital One Shopping using the links provided.


earny logo

When you sign up for an Earny account, you’ll link your email account along with your credit cards. Once you have an account, Earny goes to work and monitors your purchases via receipts in your inbox and checks back on those items to see if there is a price drop.

Your pal Earny, a cute figure whose eyes track your movement in the app, helps you effortlessly get refunded for things you’ve already purchased. Earny does require a subscription for users to get the full price tracking benefits that Earny offers.

The cost for a subscription is $7.99 per month or $47.99 if billed annually. So some would argue that Capital One Shopping is a better and free option.

Earny has identified a ton of money in potential savings for its users to date! It’s as easy as signing up and getting refunds on price drops. In this Earny review, you’ll learn if it’s better than Capital One Shopping.


Sift Referral Code

Sift is a consumer protection service that looks after your rights as a consumer and makes sure that you get what belongs to you. As an example, Sift automatically gets your money back when prices drop and unlocks many other hidden benefits and policies that you probably were not even aware of. Your credit cards, all your purchases, and travel bookings and available benefits are automatically tracked. Retailers are changing prices all the time. If you buy something and the price drops within the next 60 or 90 days, you may be qualified to get a refund back.

Sift automatically tracks prices for your purchases and if the price drops, it will automatically get you money back from the retailer or from your credit card provider. You don’t have to do anything. You sign up and you start getting money back with this price drop app. Furthermore, Sift analyzes hidden benefits that are buried in complex retailer and credit card policies and files the appropriate claims on the user’s behalf, getting consumers back tens of billions currently left on the table every year.

How to get started with Capital One Shopping?

Getting Capital One Shopping is a snap. It takes only about a minute to set up—and you don’t have to download or install anything.

Here’s how you do it:  

  1. Visit the Capital One Shopping site.
  2. Sign in with your Gmail, Yahoo or Microsoft email account. 
  3. Allow Capital One Shopping to monitor purchases in your inbox.
paribus review

That’s it! Capital One Shopping will immediately start looking for ways to get your money back—no strings attached. You take home 100% of all potential savings—with no hidden fees.

Just because you don’t have time to chase refunds doesn’t mean you should miss out on them. So go ahead and try Capital One Shopping out. It’s free for anyone to use and takes only a minute to set up. Your time and money are certainly worth it.

Capital One Shopping Price Protection review summary

Overall, Capital One Shopping is a great offering and an excellent product that can put some money back in your pocket. Since I’ve signed up for the app, I’ve seen four price adjustments totaling about $100. That’s pretty good since I didn’t make much of an effort.

Capital One Shopping can help you receive reimbursement when possible – you have nothing to lose. I would recommend my readers to sign up for Capital One Shopping as it can potentially save you hundreds and they do all the work for you.

Remember it’s 100% free. 

I hope you liked our Capital One Shopping Price Protection review! Have you used it? Share your experience in the comments below.

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